Im so lonley :(:(
So sad...:(:(:(:(
No one to talk to
No one to chat with
No friends online
Msn, rpg, or Forums.
So sad, and lonley
but still clinging to the last drop
of happiness.
Help me someone.
Im so lonely.
I feel no more.:(:(:(:(
Help me someone.:(:(:(
Im too lonley....:(:(:(:(:(
*burst into tears*
im soo lonley...
Im so lonley :(:(
So sad...:(:(:(:(
No one to talk to
No one to chat with
No friends online
Msn, rpg, or Forums.
So sad, and lonley
but still clinging to the last drop
of happiness.
Help me someone.
Im so lonely.
I feel no more.:(:(:(:(
Help me someone.:(:(:(
Im too lonley....:(:(:(:(:(
*burst into tears*
im soo lonley...