"Shit cakeeeeesssss...", he muttered softly, feeling her hands come in contact with his shoulders. A slight chill wormed down his spine, and stiffly he turned to her.
"Ugh, thanks and sorry, k thanks bai," Zenick rushed, turning on his heel. His fingers slowly rubbed his adgitated forehead, and he paused. "... tell me exactly where I am?", he asked softly, not able to find his way home unless he knew where he was realitive to everything, what way he was facing, or if she had even placed him in the middle of the road. Chicks could be bitches.
"Ugh, thanks and sorry, k thanks bai," Zenick rushed, turning on his heel. His fingers slowly rubbed his adgitated forehead, and he paused. "... tell me exactly where I am?", he asked softly, not able to find his way home unless he knew where he was realitive to everything, what way he was facing, or if she had even placed him in the middle of the road. Chicks could be bitches.